Government of India Bans Crash Guards on Cars and SUVs | Disadvantages of Bull Bars

The Ministry of Highways and Road Transport in India has banned the use of crash guards commonly known as bull bars on the vehicles including cars and SUVs. The Ministry has issued a notification to all the state transport commissioners of all the states in India. The notification prohibits any kind of crash guard or bull bar or any additional accessory to be installed on the vehicles. The ministry issued a strict warning to take action against the unauthorized fitment of such accessories on any personal vehicle.

Many people install crash guard in front of their cars to avoid damage in case of accidents while car lovers install it due to its macho impression. The crash guard is mounted directly on the chassis or frame of your vehicle and your car can suffer severe damages in case of an accident. Even the persons sitting in the vehicle are highly susceptible to injuries. Let’s talk about the disadvantages of crash guards of bull bars on cars and SUVs.

Bumper Crash Guards may Deploy Airbags

Installing a crash guard on a vehicle equipped with Airbags prevents the opening of airbags in case of an accident. The airbags are opened when the control unit in the vehicle detects the amount of impact. Crash guards hamper the accurate detection of impact by the control unit and prevent the opening of airbags which may lead to severe injuries to the passengers.

Crash Guard may affect Crumple Zones

As the crash guards are mounted directly to the chassis of the vehicle, the chassis may sustain damages, thereby preventing the crumple zones of your car. The crumple zones in cars and SUVs absorb the collision energy and force of the impact in case of an accident, thereby protecting the passengers.

Risk for Pedestrians

The crash guards or bull bars can cause serious injuries to pedestrians crossing the roads in case of an accident. Modern cars and SUVs are designed considering the safety of pedestrians but the crash guards may reduce the effectiveness of the special design and hence the safety of pedestrians.

Crash guards affects the mileage of your Car

Crash guards are made of steel and hence increase the weight of vehicle thereby affecting the mileage of the car. With increase in weight it also reduce the power to weight ration of the vehicle thereby affecting the performance of the vehicle.

Warranty may get void

The crash guard is usually an aftermarket accessory and do not carry guarantee or covered under the warranty of manufacturer. Installation of such accessories may also void the warranty of your vehicle provided by your car manufacturer.
